Indoor Locations
Once pre-registration opens at the start of the year, clients will go to the Swim Warriors website to find the link to the pre-registration form. This form will close once a specified amount of submissions are received. The submission limit is determined year to year by estimating the amount of swimmers that would put us at capacity.
We highly suggest setting a reminder for when pre-regisrtation opens, as we typically reach the form limit within 24 hours. Upon pre-regsitration opening for 2024, we received over 100 submissions within the first 5 minutes, and had to close the form and start the waitlist after only 10 hours.
The link on the website will automatically become a waitlist once the pre-registration form limit is reached. Swim Warriors will reach out to clients on the waitlist as spots become available at any point in the year.
Registration with Swim Warriors renews at the start of each year for ALL clients. Although we are so grateful for our returning clients, it is important that everyone have equal opportunity to enroll their children in swim lessons at least once per year.
This is why it is so crucial that clients interested in taking lessons at an indoor location aim to get registered during the first session of the year. Registered clients will then in turn receive priority for scheduling lessons during all sessions that follow, throughout the calendar year.
Travel Locations
Pre-registration for travel lessons opens just once per year, as we only travel during the summer session! There will be a form for neighborhood locations that will open first, and a waitlist form for personal pools that will open a few weeks later. Both forms will be posted to the website when pre-registration opens. Personal pool locations are automatically waitlisted, as we build and form the schedules for neighborhoods first. Please click here to see the 2024 session and registration schedule for travel lessons and our outdoor rental pool.
Clients who plan to register at a neighborhood pool must be a resident or have direct access through a friend or family member as their guest. Please note that filling out the form for neighborhood pools does not guarantee travel to that location. Travel completely depends on staffing and demand and can change year to year. Our neighborhood selection process is based on which locations have the most swimmers to ensure travel schedules are efficient.
We recommend having an idea of how many others in your neighborhood plan to register with us. Neighborhood locations must have a minimum of 4 swimmers signed up in order for Swim Warriors to consider travel to that location. We have created a flyer for families to post on their neighborhood Facebook pages, or share in any other way in order to gain interest, which will increase your chances. Please click here to access the flyer if desired!
I filled out the general registration form for the first session of the year! What are the next steps?
Swim warriors will begin scheduling after registration opens. Clients will be scheduled in the order that the forms are submitted! You will receive a text message from Swim Warriors office staff once your form approaches in line. You can read more details on how our scheduling process works by clicking here.
What are the next steps if I’m on the indoor waitlist?
No need to worry! Once all initial registration forms are fulfilled, we will begin pulling clients from the waitlist in order of submission. The waitlist is valid through the entirety of the year! So even if the schedules fill for the first session, spots may open up for a session to follow. This is why the waitlist form asks you to provide availability for all of our sessions. You are welcome to contact our office to inquire about your form status on the waitlist.
If I was able to register for the first indoor session, how do I sign up to continue for all sessions that follow?
Once you become registered, you will receive an email from Swim Warriors on the exact day and time that registration opens each session. The link to the form to sign up will be included in that email. We do not post the registration form for registered clients on our website each session! If you want your swimmers to continue, it is required that you fill out the form each session to request an extended schedule. All registered clients will be scheduled first before office staff begins to pull clients from the waitlist.
Should I still register for the first session of if I don’t want to start until spring?
Clients will have the best chance of receiving a spring schedule if they get registered at the beginning of the year. They do not have to opt into receiving a schedule to become registered! Clients can choose to register as a flex member if they do not wish to receive a schedule before the spring. There are a limited amount of flex membership spots available each session! Please click here to read more details on the flex membership.
Another option would be to join the waitlist as soon as it opens, and indicate your preferred start date/session on the form. If its filled out quickly, it is very likely that we will be able to pull your form from the waitlist once we begin scheduling for your desired session.
What if I only want lessons at my neighborhood pool during the summer session? Should I still register at indoor locations?
Clients should not plan to register at indoor locations at the beginning of the year if they only wish to take lessons at their neighborhood or personal pool. This is because Swim Warriors is very selective when it comes to our travel schedules. We would hate for clients to pay to become registered only for us to not be able to travel to their neighborhood or personal pool come the summer session. Becoming a registered client early in the year will not guarantee that Swim Warriors can travel to your location in the summer! Our ability to travel to your location completely depends on demand and staffing, and will be determined closer to the summer session.
Do I receive some kind of priority if I am an existing or long-standing client of Swim Warriors?
Unfortunately, Swim Warriors does not give priority to existing or long-standing clients when it comes to registration year to year. Although we are very thankful to our returning customers, there’s not a way for us to feasibly give “priority” in this manner. Some clients have been with us for a year or two, whereas others have been enrolled in our program for even longer. In addition, we believe that everyone should have equal opportunity to enroll their children in life-saving swim lessons, at least once per year.
The only way to receive any sort of priority is to become registered at the beginning of the year, making it so that your swimmers have the best chance of being able to continue lessons throughout the current calendar year at indoor locations.
Am I able to switch to my neighborhood or personal pool for the summer session if I am already registered at an indoor location?
This is allowed! However, your chances would likely be higher if you choose to continue at an indoor location, especially if you are in need of weekday evening or weekend lessons. However, the choice is ultimately up to you! As a registered client you will receive priority for scheduling at indoor locations, but that is not the case for neighborhood and personal pool scheduling. You may fill out both forms, if desired!