Second Year Instructor
Hello! My name is Catherine Sacca.
Swimming has been a huge part of my life, and I truly believe it has made me who I am today. I started my swimming career at around three years old when my parents put me on our neighborhood's summer swim team. I have spent every summer since then on a pool deck as a swimmer and a coach. At eight, I joined a nearby YMCA year-round swim team, and then at sixteen, I joined the Spartan Aquatic Club team. While my competitive swimming days stopped when I graduated high school in 2022, I have stayed in the pool and sport by coaching and now teaching here at Swim Warriors.
Currently, I am a student at the University of North Georgia, studying criminal justice and cybersecurity. I plan on working for some kind of law enforcement agency, whether local, state, or federal. Eventually, I also want to get into search and rescue/recovery.
Here are some fun facts about me! I am the eighth child with three brothers, six sisters, and thirteen nieces and nephews, so I have lots of experience with kids! When not in the water, one of my favorite pastimes is reading and writing. Lastly, birds are one of my favorite animals, so I have a pet cockatiel named Mokie.
I want to help others love the water as much as I do and grow in their skills as swimmers! I look forward to meeting the families here at Swim Warriors; see you soon!
- Catherine Sacca